Pat, my wife, and I enjoy walking in the morning. Shortly after we moved into La Querencia, we began taking two of our neighbor’s dogs along with us. Tristan and Drake are 80 lb Boxers who love to walk and certainly improve the workout we get with their energy.
A month or so after Tristan and Drake joined us, we invited another pair of neighbor dogs, Freddie and Winnie along. Freddie is now 14, of indeterminate ancestry, and weighs about 15 lbs. “Winnie The Poodle” is a 4 lb. Toy Poodle and is the princess of the pack.
We have most recently been joined by Noah, a hyperactive rescue dog about 2 years old; 20 lbs of total energy!
We started doing our walks in some of the nearby Clovis Trail System, a great network of bike, walking and running trails that run close by. In order to maximize our time on the trails and not on the street, we pack all the dogs into our Prius and drive about half a mile to the trail. Tristan and Drake and in back (although Tristan wants to get his face into the windshield and navigate!). As we encounter other others on the trail, we find that they are often incredulous that none of these 5 dogs are ours, and that we are not paid dog-walkers. It is one of our favorite “Cohousing Moments.”